SoloDesign OS - Transform Your Design Career and Conquer Imposter Syndrome | Product Hunt

Transform Your Design Career and Conquer Imposter Syndrome in Just 7 Days

Turbocharge Your Career, Master Your Craft, and Leave Imposter Syndrome Behind with SoloDesign OS
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Updated: 19th of August ,2024

Hey there, future design trailblazer,

Picture this: Your first day as a product designer. The air’s thick with the smell of fresh ambition and burnt coffee. Your heart’s racing, your brain’s doing acrobatics, and the senior designer? Well, they’ve just vanished into thin air like Houdini with a better job offer.

Welcome to the deep end, my friend.

Panic sets in. Your inner voice is having a meltdown.

“Am I even cut out for this?”

But here’s the twist: This is where your real journey begins. The part they don’t tell you about in design school.

You’ve got two choices—sink or swim. And let me tell you, I’ve been there, flailing around in the murky waters of deadlines, impossible clients, and imposter syndrome. But I didn’t just survive. I thrived. And so can you.

Fast forward to today—I’m the lead designer at a top-tier firm, rocking a team of design ninjas who are as quirky as they are talented. But that transformation? It didn’t happen by accident. It was built on a foundation of grit, late nights, and a lot of “what the hell am I doing?”

And that, my soon-to-be design superstar, is where SoloDesign OS comes in.

This course isn’t about just surviving the design world—it’s about mastering it. It’s about turning those moments of panic into power moves, building a career that doesn’t just pay the bills but also lights your creative fire. It’s about equipping you with the tools, mindset, and confidence to step into any room and own it.

So, are you ready to take that first terrifying step and transform it into a leap toward design greatness?

Because this is your moment.

Your design journey is about to get a serious upgrade.

Say Goodbye to Self-Doubt

A Rock-Solid, Bulletproof Backup System That Crushes Imposter Syndrome and Lets You Focus on Design Mastery

Master Your Craft with Confidence and Achieve Unprecedented Levels of Creativity and Productivity in Your Design Work

Course Video Bundle
Get Ready for a Deep Dive

What’s Inside?

Course Curriculum - This Ain't Just Lip Service!

Who the Hell Are You?
2 Lessons
Tools You Can’t Live Without
2 Lessons
Design Systems for Dummies
3 Lessons
Solid User Research
2 Lessons
Wireframing and Prototyping
2 Lessons
Visual Design Mastery
3 Lessons
Launch Like a Rockstar
4 Lessons
Keeping the Site Fresh
3 Lessons
Onboarding That Doesn’t Suck
2 Lessons
Project Management
3 Lessons
Figma Course

Bonus Material

I'm That Generous

Think the course curriculum is all you're getting? Think again, buddy. I've got bonus materials that'll make your head spin. And in a good way, not like that one time at the carnival.

Exclusive Design Webinar
Exclusive Design Webinars: Because nothing screams "I know what I'm doing" like watching industry experts tackle advanced design topics while you pretend to take notes.
Bonus Figma Design System
Done-for-You Figma Design System: Yep, I did the heavy lifting. This ready-to-use design system comes with an example project so you can swipe, tweak, and pretend you did it all yourself.
Resource Library
Resource Library: Access to a treasure trove of design goodies like templates, icon sets, and typography guides. It's like hitting the design jackpot without leaving your couch.
Mini-Project: Real-world design challenges to practice and apply what you've learned. Think of it as an example project, so you can dissect how I do things.
Peer Review Session
Peer Review Sessions: Opportunities to get feedback on your designs from the community. Because who doesn't love a good ego boost or a reality check?
Speed Up Process
Speed Up Your Process: With my example project, you'll zip through your design work faster than a caffeine-fueled designer at midnight. No more staring blankly at your screen wondering where to start.

Time to Level Up Your Design Process -
No Time Like Now, Right?

So, you've made it this far, and you're still interested? Damn, you're our kind of people. Click that CTA and let's take your design process from 'meh' to 'wow'. Like, right now.

Join Now and Turn Your Solo Design Chaos Into Order!

Is This Course Your Next Big Move? (Hint: It Probably Is)

You're a solo designer battling the mighty imposter syndrome.
You're looking to supercharge your design skills like a SaaS superhero.
You're eager to learn from industry leaders, not just some random dudes.
You love pizza as much as you love pixel-perfect designs.
You're ready to join a community that speaks fluent sarcasm and lives for design.

When This Course Might Not Be Your Cup of Tea (Yes, We're Being Brutally Honest)

You're hunting for a magic pill for overnight fame in the design world.
You're allergic to hard work and learning from epic design fails.
You expect to master the art of design without getting your hands dirty.
You're a pizza-hater (just kidding, we won't hold that against you...much).
You can't handle a good dose of sarcasm or survive without a humor-detox.
Breaking news: The most proven

The Not-So-Secret Sauce to Kick-Ass Solo Design

Your personal antidote to the soul-sucking, creativity-killing imposter syndrome. Our promise? "Transform your solo design gig faster than instant noodles. Stand out in the SaaS market like a neon sign, and grab your career by the horns. Kick imposter syndrome and self-doubt so hard they'll be seeing stars."

Coming Soon

SoloDesigner OS

Course Only


a one time payment

Includes comprehensive course content to help solo designers overcome imposter syndrome and improve their design skills

Reserve Now for FREE

So, you've made it this far, and you're still

Coming Soon

SoloDesigner OS

Course + Design System


a one time payment

Includes comprehensive course content to help solo designers overcome imposter syndrome and improve their design skills. Solo Figma Design system

Reserve Now for FREE

So, you've made it this far, and you're still

Get Ready for a Deep Dive

More Raving Reviews from Happy SoloDesigners

Your personal antidote to the soul-sucking, creativity-killing imposter syndrome. Our promise? "Transform your solo design gig faster than instant noodles. Stand out in the SaaS market like a neon sign, and grab your career by the horns. Kick imposter syndrome and self-doubt so hard they'll be seeing stars."

Our team was amazed by the creativity and dedication shown by the developers. The end product exceeded our expectations, and we are confident it will greatly benefit our company.
Johnathan Lee
Marketing Director
Our team was amazed by the creativity and dedication shown by the developers. The end product exceeded our expectations, and we are confident it will greatly benefit our company.
Johnathan Lee
Marketing Director
Our team was amazed by the creativity and dedication shown by the developers. The end product exceeded our expectations, and we are confident it will greatly benefit our company.
Johnathan Lee
Marketing Director
Our team was amazed by the creativity and dedication shown by the developers. The end product exceeded our expectations, and we are confident it will greatly benefit our company.
Johnathan Lee
Marketing Director
Our team was amazed by the creativity and dedication shown by the developers. The end product exceeded our expectations, and we are confident it will greatly benefit our company.
Johnathan Lee
Marketing Director
Our team was amazed by the creativity and dedication shown by the developers. The end product exceeded our expectations, and we are confident it will greatly benefit our company.
Johnathan Lee
Marketing Director

All the 'But Why's Answered!

What is SoloDesigner OS?
Who is this for?
How do I access it?
Can I balance this with work?
How long will it take?
What if I need help?
Can I get a refund?
Do I need special software?
Do I get a certificate?
Are the skills transferable?

Time to Level Up Your Design Process -
No Time Like Now, Right?

So, you've made it this far, and you're still interested? Damn, you're our kind of people. Click that CTA and let's take your design process from 'meh' to 'wow'. Like, right now.

Join Now and Turn Your Solo Design Chaos Into Order!